The School Day

The school day is structured slightly differently for each phase of the school (Early Years, KS1 and KS2). We operate a flexible drop off and collection to ease congestion and help parents who need to drop of or collect from different phases of the school.

ReceptionKey Stage 1Key Stage 2
Doors open8.45Doors open8.45Doors open8.45
Registration and prayers8.55 - 9.05Registration and prayers8.55 - 9.05Registration and prayers8.55 - 9.05
Morning session9.05 - 11.45First morning session9.05 - 10.30First morning session9.05 - 10.30
Lunchtime11.45 - 12.45Breaktime10.30 - 10.45Breaktime10.30 - 10.45
Afternoon session12.45 - 3.15Second morning session10.45 - 12.00Second morning session10.45 - 12.15
Collection 3.15 - 3.30Lunchtime12.00 - 12.45Lunchtime12.15 - 1.00
First afternoon session12.45 - 2.00First afternoon session1.00 - 2.20
Breaktime2.00 - 2.15Breaktime2.20 - 2.30
Second afternoon session2.15 - 3.15Second afternoon session2.30 - 3.30
Collection3.15 - 3.30Collection3.30

Typically in the morning sessions, children will take part in the following learning activities:

  • collective worship
  • spelling and phonics groups
  • English – reading, writing, GPS (grammar, punctuation & spelling) and speaking & listening
  • Maths
  • Handwriting

In the afternoon sessions, learning will be based around topic themes and cover foundation curriculum subjects (art, history, geography, science etc.) but will still develop and consolidate key basic skills (reading, writing and maths).

Early Years children have a different timetable which includes whole class and small group focused learning activities led by the adults in the setting, along with time for continuous provision, where children lead their own learning across all of the areas of the setting (e.g. sand, water, construction, outdoor) and develop key skills of resilience, problem solving, cooperation, gross and fine motor and speaking & listening, along with applying their basic maths, reading and writing skills independently.