Support for Emotional & Social Development

Inspired by our values curriculum and restorative approach to behaviour, our supportive and caring ethos provides the foundation to a positive and personal educational environment which enables children to develop high self-esteem.  We believe it is crucial to support and promote the emotional wellbeing of all children. On a daily basis the class teacher is responsible for the pastoral and social care of every child in their class, therefore this would be the parents’ first point of contact.  Should further support be required, the class teacher will liaise with the SENCO who may arrange an additional layer of pastoral support for children and their families.

Examples of the type of support that can be arranged include:

  • Intervention sessions delivered by trained members of staff such as Lego Therapy (social skills); Relax Kids (anxiety/calming skills); 1:1 and group nurturing (self-esteem/belonging)
  • One to one counselling delivered by our school counsellor, e.g. developing positive thought habits; dealing with high levels of anxiety
  • Consultation with a range of specialist educational teams such as the Behaviour Intervention Team and/or the Emotional Wellbeing and Effective Learning Team
  • Signposting parents to specialist agencies or charities such as Children and Adolescents Mental Health Services (CAMHs); Health and Children’s Services; the Rollercoaster Support Group
  • Support from our Family Support Worker which may include 1:1 emotional resilience work; self-esteem and confidence building course; parenting advice; emotional support; financial advice; advice to improve in punctuality and attendance

We understand that the wellbeing of our children is often affected by the wellbeing of the adults they interact with.  We believe, therefore, that it is essential that not only do we support children but that we help protect and promote the mental health of each and every member of our school community.  This is why we have dedicated an area of our school website to wellbeing.   It is designed to help protect and promote the emotional health and wellbeing of children, their parents and our staff.